Mentions Légales


Owned by BWC SRL, 128 rue la Boétie, 75008 PARIS - France .

Website host 

Letswise website is hosted by AWS - 410 Terry Avenue North Seattle, WA 98109 United States.


Letswise respective logos are registered trademarks owned by BWC SRL. "The registration of the brand confers to its holder the right of property over this brand for the products and services that he/she has listed" (Code of Intellectual Property, article L713-1, France).

The website was declared to the National Commission of Information and Liberties, under the registration number 1045542. Accordingly to the legal disposal of the article L122-4 of Code of Intellectual Property: "any representation or reproduction integral or partial, translation, adaptation, transformation, arrangement of any work realized without the consent of the author is illicit". Therefore, users are allowed to download or print the information from this website, provided that Letswise is explicitly named as the author of this information. Nevertheless, it is forbidden and sanctioned with legal proceedings, to distribute, reproduce and commercialize in its original or derived from the content of this website.

Personal data

Any personal data gathered from our website is used by the Letswise Administrative Secretariat following the Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of individuals in reference to the processing of Personal Data. This data is collected, stored and secured respecting our Privacy Policy and in compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Also, by the French internal regulatory legislation, you can request us to modify, suppress or change any of your data (art. 34 of the law "Informatique et Libertés" dated 06.01.1978). To exercise this right or regarding any inquiries on this topic, contact our data protection officer at: [email protected]